Mazafati dates

One of the best Iranian dates is mazafati. This date with black color has many properties. Mazafati dates have different grades. Grade A is soft date with the high quality. Mostly this grad is packed in 600 gr box and sometimes is packed in 5 kg bulk cartons.

Arinoo Dates have the best quality of grade A in best packing.

Grade B is semi dry mazafati dates with delicious taste. This grade has many fans in all over the world. Also it is packed in 5 kg bulk cartons with different design of Arinoo.

Grade C is dry mazafati dates. it is very delicious taste and if you interested in tea we offer you to test this date😊

In the end of this article we suggest you to buy variety of mazafati date’s grades from Arinoo with the confidence.


Date of Release: November 20, 2023

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